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ET Summit: Fall 2018


9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Welcome and Keynote Address

Video: ET Summit - Welcome and Keynote - October 9, 2018

Join us for a lively discussion with three leaders in the property development and management industry. Our keynote panelists will discuss their successes implementing advanced building practices, emerging technologies and new building design, construction, and operations in the ever-changing California landscape. In this context they will talk about their experiences with developers, government, utility companies, and others.

Keynote Speakers:


  • Gary Barsely – Senior Manager, Emerging Products, SCE



10:45 AM - 11:45 PM

 Residential Track 

Residential Codes and Standards: The Future of New Construction in California

Video: ET Summit - Residential Codes and Standards - October 9, 2018

Californians have saved billions of dollars through energy efficiency standards since 1977. Review the updates to Title 24 going into effect next year as well as the policy directions for future code cycles. Also, a prominent building industry consultant will share her perspective on the challenges builders face in incorporating new technologies and requirements into the design and construction processes.


  • Christopher Meyer – Manager, CEC (download slides)
  • Martha Brook, PE – Advisor to Commissioner Andrew McAllister, CEC (download slides)
  • Ann V. Edminster, MArch – Zero Energy Consultant, Design AVEnues LLC (download slides)


  • David Hungerford – Senior Scientist, CEC


 Commercial Track 

Learn the Storage Quickstep: Shape, Shift, Shed, and Shimmy to Fix the Duck!

Video: ET Summit - Storage - October 9, 2018

Various storage technologies can be used for load shifting and peak shaving in commercial spaces. Learn about electric batteries for smaller and larger modular units and thermal batteries for medium-temp refrigeration and low-temp freezers.


  • Tsosie Reyhner – Project Manager, kW Engineering (download slides)
  • James Bottomley – Senior Energy Manager, Information & Energy Services (download slides)
  • Collin Coker – VP of Sales and Marketing, Viking Cold Solutions (download slides)


  • Mark Martinez – Senior Portfolio Manager, Demand Response Emerging Markets and Technologies, SCE



12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

 Residential Track 

Connected Homes: Moving Emerging Technologies from Innovation to Program Inclusion

Video: ET Summit - Connected Homes - October 9, 2018

Which emerging technologies in the residential sector can be integrated into demand response programs? Listen in on the discussion of “desirable” requirements from customer and utility perspectives, barriers to customer adoption, ease of recruitment, persistence, and data availability for M&V purposes. Results from recent field testing will be presented to better understand installation processes and customer engagement with their homes.


  • Ram Narayanamurthy – Technical Executive, High Performance & Smart Buildings, Electric Power Research Institute (download slides)
  • Michael J. Klopfer – Technical Director, California Plug Load Research Center (download slides)
  • Carlos Restrepo – VP of Technology, Sonnen (download slides)


  • Tarun Kapoor – Expert Product Manager, Emerging Technologies, PG&E


 Commercial Track 

Commercial Kitchens: Keeping Technologies Fresh

Video: ET Summit - Commercial Kitchens - October 9, 2018

Join the panelists as they compare the energy productivity of a traditional restaurant production line with a next-generation production line that uses advanced technology, focused training, and an energy information system. Also on the menu: advances in plug load equipment and improving implementation through collaboration among utilities, manufacturers, and end users.



  • Will Morris – Food Service Program Advisor, SoCalGas



2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

 Residential Track 

Multifamily and Low-Income Projects: Incorporating Emerging Technologies into Historically Underserved Markets

Video: ET Summit - MF and LI - October 9, 2018

Take a close look at a multifamily project in Pomona that was built to meet LEED standards and be ready for net-zero energy. Panelists include the building’s owner/operator, the lead designer, and a consultant who optimized the integration of energy efficiency and distributed energy resources.


  • Monica Mejia – Director of Housing Development, LINC Housing (download slides)
  • Brian Weller – Director of Production, D33 Design & Planning (download slides)
  • Jonas Villalba – CTO, Naak. VP of Development, Promise Energy (download slides)


  • Jerine Ahmed – Senior Engineer, Technology Area Lead, Whole Buildings & HVAC, SCE


 Commercial Track 

Water Systems: A Fountain of New Ideas for Water Heating, Cooling, and Conveyance in Existing Buildings

Video: ET Summit - Water Systems - October 9, 2018

In this session on innovations in managing water systems in existing commercial buildings, learn about optimized evaporative pre-cooling add-on technologies that can address peaky loads at different times of day, hot and chilled water system optimization in large plants, and an emerging gas-powered heat-pump water heater for multifamily and commercial laundry sites.


  • Scott Reed – VP of Strategy and Marketing, Stone Mountain Technologies Inc. (download slides)
  • Tim Quigley – Hydronic and Plumbing Specialist, Air Treatment Corporation (download slides)
  • Theresa Pistochini – Engineering Manager, Energy and Efficiency Institute (download slides)


  • Gabriel Ayala – VP of Business Development, Enovative Group



3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Closing Plenary: Normalized Metered Energy Consumption

Video: ET Summit - NMEC Closing Plenary - October 9, 2018

Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) is a powerful new tool in the M&V toolkit, but it is not without its challenges. Join the panelists for a lively discussion of M&V 2.0—current procedures, approaches, tools, and how NMEC is being implemented.


  • Jim Kelsey – President, kW Engineering (download slides)
  • Shahana Samiullah – Senior Manager, Customer Insights and Measurement & Evaluation, SCE (download slides)
  • Lance Durr – Refrigeration & Energy Management Supervisor, Stater Bros. Markets (download slides)


  • Brian Arthur Smith – Principal Analyst, PG&E



4:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Final Remarks

Wrap up the day with some inspiration as we gather together for the closing remarks of the ET Summit!

Event Type
ET Summit
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.